Cutting Costs For Your Party


Let’s get real - we all like cutting corners and costs. Well partyROOM is the roadmap to cutting corners. We give you all the answers so that you don’t have to spend your time scouring the internet. Whether it’s for design inspiration, decor items, checklists, schedules or vendors, your time is precious. We give you the recipe and let you whip it up!

When you work with partyROOM, we also figure out how to cut down your costs as much as possible. Starting with our fee, we provide you with high end design concepts and creative strategies for a fraction of the cost of a personal event designer. From there, we source the most budget friendly decor items to bring your vision to life.

One of the biggest expenses at a wedding can be your florals, so today we’re sharing a couple of our tips on how to bring the costs down!


  • Stay In Season! Out of season flowers are simply more expensive - so if you’re committed to using a specific flower as a design focal point and are trying to keep costs down, consider coordinating your event date with your flower’s season.

  • Go Green! Lush greenery is a great way of filling out smaller bouquets and arrangements. You’ll need fewer flowers to occupy a larger space and if done right, the leafy greens will serve as a great complement to the rest of your decor.

  • It’s Lit! Ok - we hate that expression, but in this case, it works! Use candles to fill in empty spaces between arrangements and create clusters of votives to adorn areas that might not need flowers.

  • Location! If you’re from NY, you already know the drill - location, location, location! If you’re concerned with floral costs but know you want them to have a presence at your event, make sure you chose a venue that already has a bunch of floral decor. Gardens, greenhouses, and restaurants will need less decor, meaning less dollars!

  • Rose Petals Are A No! Skip sprinkling rose petals on the ground - truth is, the petals are expensive, they get swept out of the way too quickly and don’t add much to space to begin with… keep your budget for impactful decor and skip the petals.