New Year, New You: Self care and parties with a flare!


The new year has arrived and we could not be more excited about it. One of our favorite things about the beginning of a new year is getting to chat with our friends, families, partners and clients about their resolutions. It’s always interesting to find out what people are prioritizing and what driving forces are behind a successful year for these individuals. We too have a laundry list of resolutions we plan on honing in on, but there’s one in particular that we’ve been thinking about long and hard and thought we’d share with you.

Now more than ever, a spotlight has bee placed on the importance of self care and mental health. One of the biggest challenges we face in this digital age is remembering to replace screen time with me time. Whether it’s a simple hour break to pick up a good book, take a walk, hit the gym or just take a nap… it’s essential that we check in with ourselves every once in a while to make sure we’re giving our minds and bodies the love they need. In celebration of a little self loving, we’re sharing some of our favorite care with flare event ideas.



Ask your guests to check their phone in to a designated station when they enter your party. From the moment they walk in they should feel a sense disconnect from the outside world so that they can focus on themselves. Pro tip: have extra chargers near the check in station so that you can allow guests to charge their phones while they recharge themselves.


Right from the start, prompt your guests with a mindfulness challenge. Allow them to explore what they are grateful for and what they want to improve upon, letting them focus on what matters to them most. Getting your guests into this mindset from the inception of the event will allow them to hone in on these specifics throughout the the rest of the event. Pro tip: a creative way of integrating design with function is to ask your guests to write down something positive in their lives or a goal they want to accomplish onto a card, then tie the cards to already placed invisible string hanging from the ceiling. (We recommend having a healthy amount set up before guests arrive!)



Have an area set up with a couple of reflexology specialists waiting to pamper your guests. A quick 10 minute massage with stress relief as the focus is a fun way to entertain your guests and really get them into the relaxed vibe. Pro tip: Ask your specialists to give each guest a quick 5 minute tutorial at the end of their individual massages, showing them certain techniques they can practice on their own at home!


Rather than pre packaging goodie bags for your guests to take home with at the end of the event, let your guests customize and partake in the fun of making their gifts. Set up a custom tea making station where guests can create tea bags with their favorite aromas and flavors as well as certain elixirs that boost energy or stress relief. Pro tip: Just because your guests will be helping make their own goodie bag items, doesn’t mean you can skimp out on the actual bags… make sure your station is complete with packaging materials so guests can toss their new tea bags in and take them home without any hassle!



We all know that feeling good starts from within and a big part of that is what we consume! Whether you’re doing a sit down affair, passed apps or buffet styled event, make sure your guests are met with a variety of healthy and feel good options that will keep them feeling light, energized and happy! Pro tip: A make your own yogurt station is a fun substitute for standard dessert tables! And the best part is…. the topping options are endless!


There have been studies that say surrounding oneself with flowers and sunshine can have a direct affect on your mood and bring positive feelings to an individual. Flowers can be displayed throughout the event via standard bouquets or more exciting displays. The objective is to keep the aesthetic light and airy… color is welcome though our personal affordable favorites are a mix of hydrangeas and baby breath.


Have a happy and healthy 2019!