Your Super Bowl party needs a facelift


The New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams will face off on February 3rd to determine who will win the Super Bowl! Whether you’re a die hard fan or have resorted to picking one of these two teams because your guys got eliminated, chances are you’ll be boozed up, screaming at a tv screen, laughing with your friends and eating all sorts of delicious foods come next Sunday.

To many, a couple of six packs and tortilla chips will do the trick… but if you’re like us, you know better. Super Bowl Sunday is a big deal in America and while the players are out there giving it their all, you’ll be at home giving them a celebration with all you’ve got as well! Whether you’re inviting 5 friends over or 50, the more effort you put into making this Sunday stand out from all the other Sundays, the more your guests will get into the afternoon of fun and excitement.

Get your guests in the spirit by applying some of these elements to your Super Bowl party!


Arguably the most important component of Super Bowl Sunday - the set up most be a perfect combination of comfortable and convenient. First off, your guests will need a place to sit and watch the game… but there needs to be enough space around the seats because most audience members tend to jump up and move around through out the stressful plays. Make sure you have an abundance of couches, pillows, bean bags or chairs for you guests… whether you’re celebrating in your backyard or crammed in an apartment, seating is key.

You’ll also want to make sure that there are enough table tops for guests to place their plates on while eating or leave their drinks on…. there is no formal eating time during Super Bowl Sunday… it’s an all day eat and drink fest… so you’ll want to be sure to provide your guests with ample space to continuously indulge. Having an extra trash can readily available is always helpful too!


The second most important thing on Super Bowl Sunday, after football, is food and beer! Because this day is a marathon for eating and drinking, we suggest having a separate station with all your food and drink options off to the side. Since guests will be getting up sporadically and frequently to replenish their drinks or dive in for seconds and thirds, you want to avoid too much clamoring around the lounge/watching area… especially away from in front of the TV. This is also a place to take a break from the Football madness, where guests can chit-chat during commercial breaks so you’ll want to make sure it’s in an area that won’t disturb the other guests.

Simple decorating techniques or catering vendors can help really impress your guests through the design of food and beverage. Because the focus is on sports and food, you don’t want to spend too much of your efforts decorating the space with unnecessary items. Focusing on your F&B station is a great way to make a huge decorating impact while not taking away from the main event.