CLEVER COCKTAILS | Halloween Edition


Double, double, toil and trouble….PartyROOM has some cocktails displays to share with you. The main focus of most adult soirees is the cocktail and food tables. There are a plethora of ways to make the display spooky and spectacular.

Apothecary Bottles

Using apothecary bottles to display mixers and garnishes adds an element of dark glamour and can go with several different themes. The addition of statement glasses like the one above even more festive, add a touch of dry ice to make the drinks “bubble and brew”

Hand Ice Punch Bowl

Putting water in a glove and freezing it makes for an added decor element, this can also be done with the same flavor as the specialty cocktail instead to not water down the flavor of the drink.


Using beakers or IV Bags as drink vessels solidifies the overall vibe of the party, also breaking up the monotony of standard stemware.