Meet event producer Angela, Founder of PartyROOM

"The consumer is the new celebrity", said Angela, in response to my question about why she created PartyROOM.

Angela Giannopoulos is the founder of PartyROOM and STUDIO3. Her first company, STUDIO3, was created 20 years ago and since then, Angela and her team have become recognized as the go-to event producers for high profile and celebrity events. Ranging from the Dalai Lama to Maybelline, Angela and STUDIO3 have worked with the most prestigious brands and individuals to create unforgettable moments. But somewhere along her career, Angela realized that her industry was living within a bubble during a time where similar bubbles were being popped.

AG: Private drivers used to be reserved for the rich and famous until Uber came along, it was the same for interior decorators until Home Polish started their services, and that's what PartyROOM is. We are following their lead to give the consumers access, not ownership.

PartyROOM is an online event planning service that allows the general consumer to access this "celebrity" service.

AG: Through our various packages, we are now able to give clients the guide and assistance they need in order to plan a successful event, without having to pay for a full time producer. We give them the tools, they build it

Angela and her team are now going even beyond making her services accessible to the individual - and have begun partnering with famous venues to become their in house event gurus. 

AG: We collaborated with big venues to become their in house partners to allow them to continue operating without having to field calls all day from nervous clients about table dimensions, floral arrangements, AV set up, etc... The venue's team aren't event producers, so by offering our services to their clients, they get to stick to what they do best and the client gets the help they need.

After learning more about PartyROOM, we asked to get to know the face behind it a little more.

How long have you been an event producer?

AG: 20 years

What’s the difference between an event planner and an event producer?

AG: A planner will organize and go through a checklist to put a party together. A producer will conceptualize the entire event. An event producer really sinks their teeth into a project and creates the environment and the vibe.

What’s your favorite part about this profession?

AG:the creativity it allows me to have. At the end of the day I’m an artist.

You are well known for producing events for high-profile clients – who was your first? 

AG: Donna Karan

Do you have a favorite event that you’ve produced?

AG: it was a non profit dinner for the Dalai Lama. Meeting him was just a big deal. 

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

AG: Everything! People, things, objects... I can look at anything and create something from it.

What are the three things you carry with you at all times?

AG: in my bag I have an icon, a piece of muslin cloth and holy water my mother gave to me.

Do you have a favorite motto or words to live by?

AG: always be kind and compassionate.

What advice do you give all your clients?

AG: I tell them to have trust. Trust that the company will make you shine and will create a seamless event for you. 

What’s 1 thing your clients should know about you before working with you?

AG: That I am easy to work with and very accommodating and service oriented.